Friday, July 5, 2013

Making disciples of people

Often times, it is so easy to get caught up in the everyday grind of life.  Work, catch up with friends, go to bed, see family, work, bed, friends, work, maybe church, and repeat over again and again.  Sound familiar?  Yeah, I am guilty of doing just this and then realizing what I have passed up.

Christ had 12 disciples to help spread his teachings and the love of God.  When he rose and reappeared to them he told them, please go and make disciples of the people........bring them to me by way of your teachings.  Many of us often times forget this.  We think going to Church is often times enough?  Is it really enough?  No, it is just us being superficial Christians.  Trust me, I am guilty of doing just these things.

Truth is we all have a calling.  That is to minister and not by ways of becoming a minister and preach, but minister to each and every person.  It is our job and calling in life to put Christ's love to work in our lives everyday.  Then we must share that love with those at work, our friends, the old lady needing help loading her groceries at the grocery store, and the list goes on.  Are you doing just this?  Are we really being disciples of Christ by making others disciples?

My new sermon series that will becoming to locations in Topeka and Kansas City soon are going to teach you about this very subject, but I am going to try to light a fire in you to get out there and challenge yourself to teach others about Christ.  Because when you do this, you will become a better disciple.  Think about it, if you teach others about the Bible, you will study the Bible more, if you teach others about prayer, you will learn more about prayer, etc. etc. etc.............................

So my challenge to you today is search yourself deep, find out what your relationship is with Christ and make it even better by committing to being a disciple and making others disciples of Christ.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:19-20

Pastor Shawn

Shawn Parcells Ministries

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