Matthew 20:20-28
Significance. What does it mean to you?
Significance cane mean many things, but over all it means that something is important or someone is important. When we look at our lives, we want to make sure our lives are "significant". We want to contribute to society and so we chase after things. It could be that we are chasing a dream for money, a house, a car, having family, or love. We all want to look back on our life and say my life was significant.
But, when we serve others our life is significant. We may not have a huge house or lots of money, but what we will have is a life filled with treasures where we know that we put ourselves to work using our God given talents and followed his path to serve others. That to me, is more significant then anything life can give you in the way of material possessions.
So I challenge you today, pray and find out what your true talents are and then use those to serve others. Soon you will start seeing the blessing in your life come to life and one day when we are in front of our creator we will look back and say, "yeah, my life was significant".
Choose to serve others, just as Christ wants us to do.
Pastor Shawn
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